of all rebels against God, in the lake of fire
and brimstone.
Universalism seems to be on an upward trend. This “revival”
is taking place in many of our mainline denominations. Even in our
non-denominational churches, there seems to be evidence of a belief in the
final salvation of all people. Teachings such as, “the gospel of inclusion” or,
“ultimate reconciliation” is now being preached by Pastor and Bishop Carlton
Pearson. This “gospel of inclusion” is simply warmed-over universalism; that
God is the spiritual father of all men, and that all men will finally be saved.
Evangelist Billy Graham has been noted for his Roman Catholic version of
universalism. In a 1997 interview with fellow preacher and long time friend,
Robert Schuller, Dr.Graham stated that men and women that have not heard the
gospel message, they will be saved irregardless of whether they evidence faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ or not they will enter heaven. According to Billy
Graham in the interview with Robert Schuller, he explains, “. . I think that
everybody that loves Christ, or knows Christ, whether they are conscience of
it or not, they’re members of the body of Christ. . . God’s purpose for
this age is to call out a people for his name. And that’s what God is doing
today – he’s calling people out of the world for his name, whether they come
from the Muslim world, or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world or the
unbelieving world they are members of the body of Christ because they
have been called by God. They might not even know the name of Jesus, but
they know in their hearts that they need something that they don’t have, and
they turn to the only light they have, and I think that they are saved and
that they’re going to be with us in heaven.” There are some who even go as far as saying
that Satan and all of the falling angels, and demons will ultimately be saved.
They justify this teaching by citing a passage out the book of Acts chapter
three verse 21: “Whom the heaven must receive
until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by
the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began” they interpret the “restitution
of all things” to mean the final salvation of
all men, fallen angels, and even the Devil himself. Consequently, evangelism on
the part of those who hold to universalistic dogma is not biblical evangelism.
Their “evangelism” is one of informing all men that they are already saved and
are the children of God. That means Buddhist, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, Devil
worshipers, etc. are all the children of God, and as his children will
ultimately be reconciled to him in the end.
erroneous belief in all men being God’s children, and that all will finally be
saved, is based on a perverted understanding of many passages of scripture in
the holy bible. For example: Romans 5:12-19 speaks of sin and death coming upon
ALL through Adam, but through the “second Adam” Christ Jesus, ALL shall be made
alive through his sacrifice on the cross. In all of the passages that are used
to support universalism, the term “all” is interpreted as meaning all men have
automatically been redeemed through the sacrifice of Christ and if this is not
true, they say, then God has failed in his purpose for the sacrifice of his Son.
Another example is found in Colossians 1:20 which speak of God the father
reconciling ALL things in heaven and in earth to him. The “all” is interpreted
as meaning all men will be eventually saved. It would seem that the
universalistic interpretation of scriptures that use the term “all” is
inclusive of unbelievers as well as believers. 2 Corinthians
As bible-believing Christians we must ask the question: Is the doctrine
of universalism or “gospel of inclusion” true or false according to God’s holy
word? When it is weighed in the balances of scripture, it is found wanting to
say the least. Unfortunately there is an unsettling resurgence of the doctrine
of universal reconciliation sweeping across the land. We as followers of the
Lord Jesus must be ready to refute such a dangerous error, and set forth the
biblical teaching concerning the only way that men can be saved and escape the
wrath to come.
Why universalism holds such attraction?
1. A repudiation
of the doctrine of the wrath of God.
This is the real underlying reason why universal reconciliation holds
such great appeal. Many reputable scholars and clergyman have come to the
erroneous conclusion that, any doctrinal teaching that God’s wrath abides on
the impenitent, blackens the character of God. They emphasize the love of God
to the exclusion of the wrath of God. They say that God is to loving of his
creatures to sentence them to an eternal misery. He will chastise them if need
be, but will not ultimately forsake them. Therefore it is taught that God will
save all souls in the final analysis. All will be reconciled to God by some way
or scheme we may not understand. What is grossly misunderstood is that God’s
character is not blackened, but glorified in the destruction of ungodly men.
God’s terrible justice is revealed in his righteous judgment on the wicked. It
is natural for wicked men to reject a God who will judge sin and lawlessness.
It would seem that many only see a “god” after their own making; a “god” who is
all of love, who doesn’t get angry at anyone and will not hold us accountable
for our sins when we die; a “god” who will allow all into heaven whether they
repent, and turn to him, or not. However, the bible paints for us quit a
different picture of the Lord God Almighty. God is a God of love, I John 4:8.
But God is equally a God of wrath and justice, Hebrews 12:29; “For our God is a consuming fire.”
Does the Holy Bible teach that all men are the children of God?
2. I believe the first thing to establish from the bible is
the question: Are all men the children of God? If so, then it would be obvious
that all are saved according to universalistic dogma. Let us now turn to the
Holy Scriptures to see if it teaches all are the children of God.
I believe that it is fitting to quote the Master first and
foremost. Since those who believe in universal reconciliation, and those who
believe in eternal punishment, except that Jesus Christ was God manifested in
the flesh. Did Jesus believe that all men were the children of God? Absolutely
not. In the book of Matthew, chapter thirteen, Jesus teaches on the parable of
the tares, and wheat. One of the reasons the parable was giving, was to make a
clear distinction between the “tares” and the “wheat.” It is clear from the Lord’s interpretation of this
parable, that the tares are not the children of God, while the wheat was
described as the children of God. In verses thirty-seven and thirty-eight of
the thirteenth chapter of Matthew we read, “He
answered and said unto them, he that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the
tares are the children of the wicked
one.” (
Some may argue that these references were given before the
cross, and that is why some were called “children
of that wicked one.” I would simply say that this
is a mute point, because the same is said of others after the cross, and shows
us that the truth of the matter is still the same. Here are some scripture
references that clearly teach that even after the cross, Satan still has his
children, and those who have repented toward God, and have believed on the Lord
Jesus are the children of God. In the thirteenth chapter of the book of Acts,
Paul and Barnabas were sent out by the Holy Ghost from the church in
about their repentance, and
eternal happiness after death?
God will not use any other means to bring sinners to repentance,
than those means he is using in this life. Some universalistic teaching says
that God will even use the extreme measures of hell-fire to punish men for
their crimes, and when they have paid for their sins and have made proper
repentance, God will end their time of misery, and suffering to make them
eternally happy. However this is erroneous when we look at what the scriptures
really say on the subject of eternal damnation. It is plain for all who can
read the Holy Scriptures to see that the fires of Hell are not flames of
purgation, but they are punitive flames. There will be no other means by which
a person is saved except by the means used in this life. God ordained the
preaching of the gospel in order to save those who believe. The gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ being preached with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven,
speaks of the strivings of God’s Holy Spirit to convince and convict the sinner
of his need to be reconciled to God. It is only by these means that God deals
with the impenitent in this life, and after death, no other means will be used
to save those who died in their sins. God can only justify those who believe in
Jesus in this life. After death one can not be justified, because once death
has occurred, we are fixed in the spiritual condition in which we have died.
Revelation chapter 22:11 says, “He that is
unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be
filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still;
and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” This passage of scripture speaks to the finality of our
condition after death, and that there will be no possibility of change. This is
an awesome reality. Jesus Christ who knows all things gave John the beloved
apostle this verse we read in chapter 22:11 of book of the Revelation. Also
from the Old Testament we read concerning the same finality after death and the
unchangeableness of our condition after death. In the book of Ecclesiastes
chapter 11:3 we read, “If the clouds be full of
rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: And if the tree fall toward the
south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there shall
it be.” This scripture is another important
reference that establishes that salvation from sin is only possible in this
life, and that the opportunity is offered only in this life. “For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted,
and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee; behold, now is
the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2. In the book of St. Luke chapter sixteen,
we have the conversation between Abraham, and the rich man who died in his
sins, and was in a fiery torment. He requested of Abraham that he would send
Lazarus back from the dead and warn his brothers. But he was told that they had
“Moses and the prophets” let (his five brothers) hear them. The rich man protested
and said if one arose from the dead, they (his brothers) would believe. Abraham
told him that if his brothers did not receive the testimony of Moses and the
prophets; neither will they believe though one comes to them from the dead. I
think we can say that Abraham, the rich man, Lazarus, and especially Jesus
himself who related this account makes it abundantly clear that there are no
other means after this life for one to be made eternally happy; not even the
rich man himself was given hope of future happiness with God. It is also clear
that the word of God will not be
preached to those who go to Hell, and without the
gospel being preached, no one can be saved.
Will the wicked be annihilated and is there “soul-sleep”?
There are some who teach that if the wicked are not reconciled,
they will be annihilated. Those who are the proponents of this concept do so
for the same reason given above: A repudiation of the wrath of God. But is this
consistent with the biblical doctrine of eternal punishment? This belief in
annihilation reveals a faulty understanding of death, and of the terms, “destruction” and, “destroy.” How is death
defined in the holy bible? The Holy Scriptures gives us the only true
understanding of death, and destruction. First, I think it necessary to define the
meaning of death. In the Holy Scriptures there are three types of death taught.
The first is spiritual death. Spiritual death is separation from God in sin whether you
are alive in the flesh, or in Hell. In the beginning God told Adam that in the
day that he ate of the forbidden tree, he would surely die. “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of
the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou
shalt surely die.” Genesis 3:15-16.
Unfortunately, Eve was deceived into eating of the tree and she also gave to
her husband, Adam and he also ate of the fruit of the tree. They both died
spiritually in an instance. They knew that they were naked, and they were
ashamed. They immediately began to feel emotions that were alien to them up to
this point, but now were a part of the fallen state. Anger, Hatred, Variance,
Jealousy, Fear, Lust, etc. all the things that constitute what is now called
the sinful nature. In Adam all died, and became the children of the Devil, and
children of wrath. Adam and Eve did not fall down dead physically, but they
were instantly separated from God in their sinful state. This is the death that
was referred to when the Lord God commanded them not to eat of the tree of
knowledge of good, and evil. The very life of God had departed from them
because God who is holy can not abide sin. Therefore, they died spiritually.
And Adam who was the federal head of all humanity; when he fell, we fell in him
and were made sinners by nature. Consequently, as sinners by nature, we are
spiritually dead, and need to be made alive in Christ through the born again
experience. Born of the Spirit, and made alive to God.
There is physical
death when the body returns to the dust from which it was taken.
Physical death is when the soul and spirit of man separates from the body. God
said to Adam and Eve concerning their physical death that, “. . . for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” This referred to their physical death that would occur some
nine centuries later. We read of the death of Abraham in chapter twenty-five of
the book of Genesis. In verse eight, we read, “Then
Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old
man, and full of years; and was gathered unto his people.” In this passage we can see that at the physical death of
father Abraham, he “gave up the ghost” that is, his soul and spirit had departed from his physical
body at death, and was “gathered unto his
people.” In Genesis chapter thirty-five verses
28-29, we read of Isaac: “And Isaac gave up
the ghost, and died, and was gathered unto his people, being old and
full of days; and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.” We read of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel that he
also “gave up the ghost” in the forty-ninth chapter and the 33rd verse it
says, “And when Jacob had made an end of
commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up
the ghost, and was gathered unto his people.” In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter twelve verse seven, the
writer says, “Then shall the dust return to the
earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” The holy bible makes a clear distinction between the
physical part of man, and the spiritual part of his makeup. It is crystal clear
that the soul and spirit survives the death of the body and continues in a
conscience, intermediate state waiting to be reunited with the physical body at
the resurrection to be judged. Man is a tripartite being of body, soul, and
spirit. In the New Testament, James the Lord’s half brother, and bishop of the
church in Jerusalem said this in his epistle; “For
as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead
also.” It should be made abundantly clear from
these few passages that physical death is the separation of the soul and spirit
from the body. It is also clear that the soul and spirits of the departed are
not in a state of what some call, soul-sleep. In the gospel according to St.
Luke chapter sixteen verses 19-31; we have the story of the rich man, and
Lazarus. In this account (not a parable) both the rich man and Lazarus died.
This is an amazing chapter to say the least, because here the Lord Jesus pulls
back the curtain so to speak, and shows to us what is the state of the
righteous and the wicked after death. According to the inspired account, there
is no such thing as soul-sleep, but a real conscience experience of both the
righteous, and the wicked. In verse 22, both Lazarus and the rich man die, and
it said of the rich man that he “. . . was
buried” this refers to his body at death; he,
unlike Lazarus probably had a wonderful, and grandiose funeral with all the
trappings of a dignitary. While in the case of Lazarus, he was given a poor
man’s grave. But this only refers to their bodies; what happened in the other
world was quit another story all together. The rich man was not found in a
state of soul-sleep, but, “. . . lift up his
eyes, being in torments” while his physical
body was buried on the earth, his soul and spirit was down in the pits of Hell
being in torments. Lazarus on the other hand was in “The bosom of Abraham” resting
in comfort after his physical death.
There is also eternal death. Eternal death means the
eternal separation from God in the lake of fire and brimstone. Eternal death is
also called, “the second death.” This death will finally occur at the second coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ when all the nations are gathered before him in the valley of
Jehosaphat to be judged concerning their treatment of the Jewish nation in
their flight from the Antichrist. It is said of all the “goat” nations that
persecuted, or neglected to help the Jewish nation in their greatest crisis
ever under Antichrist, “And these shall go away
into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” Also at the great white throne judgment in the 20th
chapter of the book of the Revelation; it speaks of those who “was not found written in the book of life was cast into the
lake of fire.” In chapter fourteen of the book
of the Revelation, it is said of those who receive the mark of the Antichrist;
his name, or the numerical value of his name; the same shall drink of the cup
of the wrath of God, “. . . And he shall be tormented
with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence
of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever.”
These passages speak of the eternal separation
from God with no hope of change. It is also clear from these passages of
scripture that death means separation, not annihilation. None of these
scriptures giving speak of annihilation, or some so-called, soul-sleep. It is
said of the human Antichrist, and the false prophet in the nineteenth chapter and
20th verse of the book of the Revelation, “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that
wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the
mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image these both were cast alive into a lake of fire
burning with brimstone.” After the Antichrist and the false prophet
are cast into the lake of fire, the armies of the Antichrist are destroyed in
the battle of Armageddon. Then there will follow a thousand year reign of all the
redeemed saints of all ages with Christ. (Rev. 20:4). Satan at the beginning of
this period is cast into the Abyss or the bottomless pit for the duration of
the millennial reign of Jesus Christ from the city of
Now we come to the final part of this brief study. It must be
understood that the things disgust in this brief summary are not preached
anymore. And yet the cries of the damned are just as real today as a thousand years
ago. How is it that ministers are content with believing that they are
preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and never address the condition of the
wicked in a future state? If it is true that the future state of the wicked is
exceeding dreadful, then it should be the most important concern confronting
all of us at this moment. I believe that there are two basic reasons that
preachers do not preach on eternal damnation: 1. they simply do not believe in a literal Hell, and in many cases
some have never believed in it. Some have even substituted a novel
interpretation to all of the Hell passages in the bible to support their
position. 2. They know the reaction
of most churchgoers if they dare preach on Hell, and the lake of fire. It would
seem that they are more content with the lost dying in their sins so that bro.
and sis. “So-and-so” won’t get upset, and call for his resignation. Its job
security at it’s finest at the expense of the souls of men. It is a sad picture
to see a so-called preacher of the gospel more concerned about what men think
than what God has commanded in his holy word.
The Holy Bible tells us that the punishment of the wicked in a
future state is endless in duration. This may seem to be rather extreme to our
finite minds, but what we must bear in mind is that we know very little of the
heinousness of sin; that sin is exceedingly sinful. We also should acknowledge
our impoverished understanding of the holiness of the Lord God. So I believe
that the first thing to set forth as I advance this truth of the endless
punishment of the wicked is: If God is holy, righteous, just, and true we
should expect a great and awful sentence against those who die impenitent. The
justice of God should reflect his holy nature in opposition to sin to an
infinite degree seeing that he is infinitely holy. In the book of Malachi
chapter three verse six, we read, “For I am the
Lord, I change not. . .” age to age his
remains the same because he is absolutely perfect and therefore needs no
change. If the Lord God changes not, then his attitude toward sin must never
change. If at any time God’s attitude toward sin changes, then he ceases to be
holy. This is why there is eternal retribution for those who die impenitent.
God’s holy wrath will burn against sin forever for we read in the book of
Deuteronomy 32:22; “For a fire is kindled in
mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth
with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.” If the anger on the Lord shall burn unto the lowest hell
and never be quenched, then from this we can deduce that the punishment of the
wicked is endless in duration. This means that those who die impenitent will
forever be the objects of the Lord’s punitive justice. His presence among them
will be intolerable and dreadful to an infinite degree. One can only imagine if
only the tip of his finger were to endure the extremities of hellfire, and how
intolerable and unbearable it would be. Of how much more intolerable it will be
to have your whole body cast into hellfire where the worm shall not die, and
the fire is not quenched; to have every part of your being to be full of the
flame of the wrath of God Almighty? This is the portion of the wicked in a
future state.
Secondly, we read in the twenty-fifth chapter of the gospel of
St. Matthew, verse forty-six, “And these shall
go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life
eternal.” It is believed among those who
hold to the teaching of Universalism, that all men will experience everlasting
joy, peace, and happiness. When asked how is it that they know that such is
certainly true, they will site one or a number of scriptures that use the term,
all to include all men regardless of
faith through repentance, or not. However, according to this verse (Matt.
25:46) and many others that can be sited, this notion is not true that all
shall experience eternal happiness. We see that there is “everlasting punishment” for
one and “life eternal” for the other. The contrast can not be clearer than what we
read here in Matthew 25: 46. In the book of Isaiah the prophet chapter three,
verses 10-11, we read the following, “Say ye to
the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the
fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! It shall be ill with him:
for the reward of his hands shall be given him.” In the book of Malachi
The Greek word Aionios is
derived from another Greek word, Aion.
This word means, “Age-long” that is,
a definite period with a beginning and an ending, and not necessarily eternal
in duration. The English word eternal is
from a Latin word, aetas which also
means, “Age” or, “Age-long.” From this we can see how it is argued that the word in
the Greek, Aionios, which is derived from, Aion, can only mean a definite period of time with a beginning and an
ending, and not eternal. Though it is true that the word, Aionios is derived
from the word, Aion which means Age-long; it is untrue that the word itself
does not describe a proper eternity. Just as the English word, eternal, though
it is derived from the Latin word meaning, Age-long, does express a proper
eternity. We can account for past ages that have had a beginning and an ending,
but for future ages to come, we have no way of knowing the beginnings or the
endings of future ages. To express this time of indefinite period, the only
word we have is, Age, thus the phrase, Ages
of the Ages or “for ever and ever” is the
only way we have of describing a proper eternity. In the book of Ecclesiastes
According the Holy Bible, what is the life time of God? And what
_expression is used to describe the duration of the life of God himself? It
says in the scriptures that he shall live “For
ever and ever.” In the book of the Revelation
chapter four, verses 9-10 we read, “And when
those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne,
who liveth for ever and ever. The for and twenty elders fall down
before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and
ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying. . .” In the fifth chapter of this book and in verse 14, we read,
“And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four
and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever.”
Also in the tenth chapter of this book of the
Revelation, verse 6, we read this: “And sware by
him that liveth for ever and ever. . .” In
chapter 15: 7 it reads, “And one of the four
beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God,
who liveth for ever and ever.” Are we
to believe that God Almighty has an ending to his life? Is it not clear that
the phrase, “for ever and ever” or, “Ages of the Ages” can only refer to a
proper eternity; an endless duration? This is also the time given concerning
the punishment of Satan in the lake of fire and brimstone in chapter
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