Jimmy Lathan
Text: Acts
“And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by
night unto
The city of
I. Receive the word of God
with all readiness of mind.
Readiness of mind in the Greek is prothumia that is, zeal, earnest, alacrity. If we choose to be a Berean Christian, we must approach
the word of God in the correct attitude of heart. We should approach the bible
with a ready mind to understand what saith the scriptures, and pray that God
the Holy Spirit would grant us understanding of the word of God. In I John
II. We must search
the scriptures if we are to be Berean Christians.
If we choose to be a Berean
Christian, we must be dedicated students of the scriptures. We must recognize
that the source of the truth is the word of God and the word of God alone. And
as students of the word, we must try by the word whether the things preached
and taught are true. Notice how the Bereans did not except what Paul and Silas
preached because they were great preachers or well-known. In
III. The word of God is for
the Berean Christian, daily bread.
The passage in Acts seventeen
verse eleven says that they searched the scripture daily. If we choose to be
Berean Christians, we must read the word of God everyday we possibly can. Some
days will naturally bring exceptions, but hopefully these are rare exceptions.
The prophet Jeremiah in the fifteenth chapter verse sixteen said, “Thy words were
found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and the rejoicing
of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of host.” If we choose to be Berean Christians, we must eat, or
rather, internalize the word of God. When we take the word of God to heart, we
are obedient to its commands. Psalms 119:11 says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I
might not sin against thee.” In Psalms
chapter one, the writer speaks of the blessing of those who stand not in the
counsel of the ungodly, but finds his delight in the law of the Lord, and in
it, meditates day and night. “. . . It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but
by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (St. Matthew 4:4).
IV. A true Berean Christian
is a discerning Christian.
Just as the Bereans searched the
scriptures to try what was being preached of Paul and Silas, we too must have a
heart of discernment; especially since these are the last days. In the book of
Hebrews chapter five verse fourteen, we read, “But strong meat belongeth to them that are of
full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to
discern both good and evil.” In the first
general epistle of John we are commanded in chapter four verse one: “Beloved, believe
not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many
false prophets are gone out into the world.”
This is why it is so important that we all
become Berean Christians. There is great danger of being deceived and lead
astray into destruction. The bible warns us that Satan transforms himself into
a messenger of light, and therefore it is no marvel that his ministers appear
as ministers of righteousness. Satan has ministers in the Church today who
preach another jesus, another gospel, by the power of another spirit.
Exercising good discernment was one of the things Jesus commended the
V. The Berean Christian is
concerned about sin.
Notice in verse twelve of our
text: “Therefore
many of them believed. . .” that is, they repented
of their sins when they were called to salvation. If we choose to be Berean
Christians, we must be concern about sin. The concern should begin with us; we
need a clear revelation of ourselves. Why is it that some of us are so good at
detecting the mote that is our brother’s eye, and yet we seem so oblivious to
the beam in our own eye? I am convinced that this is why some people will never
change; they are so blind to their own need and therefore do not see the need
for change. As a Berean Christian, we must be willing to forgive others their
trespasses against us or our sins will not be forgiven by God. We should be
willing to forgive even if the offender asks for no forgiveness. Just because
the offender refuses to acknowledge there offense doesn’t give us a scriptural
right to hold bitterness, and unforgiveness against that person, especially a
brother or a sister in the Lord. Who are we to think that we are right in such
an attitude of heart? If the Lord God chooses not to forgive that one thing; he
has never sinned and needed forgiveness, but we have all sinned against the
Lord and if we have been pardoned, we really don’t have a right to hold out
unforgiveness to others. This kind of attitude grieves the Holy Spirit and
causes the call and purposes of God in the life to come to a grinding halt. If
the offending party refuses to acknowledge their guilt in the offense, God
knows how to deal with such a one as this, so don’t think that it is forgotten,
or looked over by God. Remember, blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain
VI. The Berean Christian is
jealous for the word of God.
This is something that seems to
be lacking in the church today. It is difficult to find those who care about
what “thus saith the Lord.” It would seem that most believers are more jealous
for their denominations than for the things of God. We live in a day where the
holy word of God can be butchered, perverted, twisted, and completely ignored.
It would seem that God’s people love to have it so. But any true Christian who
desires to be a Berean Christian will contend for the faith that was once
delivered to the saints. In the book of St. Jude verse three, we read, “Beloved, when I
gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful
for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for
the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (St. Jude 3). It isn’t enough for Berean Christians to give
a positive presentation of the gospel; but a bold, authoritative defense for
the faith. This means we must falsify all other “ways” and point men to the
only way; the only truth; the only life which is Christ Jesus our Lord. Not
only does St. Jude admonish us to contend for the faith, but also the apostle
Peter. In his first epistle, Peter wrote in the third chapter; “But sanctify the
Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man
that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” The word answer in verse fifteen
of chapter three means, a defense. There
is a great need for us to rise to the accusation of the times and the seasons;
in the midst of many so-called gods and goddess, gurus, swamis, and ascended
masters, there is a great need for the Church of the Lord Jesus to oppose
heresies while at the same time preaching and teaching Jesus Christ. The
message of the Berean Christian is Jesus Christ and him crucified, and that
there is no other way, and no other hope.
VII. The Berean
Christian is willing to suffer for the faith.
This is also seldom realized in the
To be a
Christian witness is to be a Christian martyr. The word in the Greek for
“witness” is the word from which we get, “martyr.” Simply put; a Christian is
always ready to suffer, and if need be, die for the message he or she is
preaching to others. The reason for this is because the Christian who suffers
realizes that he or she is dead already, and his life is hid with Christ in
God. This was true of the apostle Paul and Silas who were the ministers that
brought the gospel of the grace of God to the Berean citizens of
These are just a few indicators that we can use to
determine if we are being the Bereans we should be. These are by no means all
the characteristics of a Berean Christian, but I hope that this will spark your
own study on this subject. The need for discernment is great in our day, and
there is every wind of false doctrine blowing through out the Church and the
World. The only sure foundation that will not be moved in these tempestuous
times and seasons is the holy word of God. We are built upon the foundation of
the apostles and the prophets. This means that the word of God is our ultimate
authority on all things; especially when it comes to sound doctrine. The word
of God is alive, and energetic; it is dynamic in its working, and sharper than
any two-edged sword. If we let it guild us by the Spirit of God, it will reveal
to us the will of God and shine the precious light on our path. But it will
also pierce to the dividing asunder or soul and spirit, and will even divide
the bone from the marrow and expose all the thoughts and intents of the heart.
This is the word by which the true gospel is preached unto men.
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